#130802 - 07/15/05 11:13 PM
"Just played my G-70 for a couple Hours"
Registered: 12/13/04
Posts: 66
Loc: Harrisville,Pa USA
Well this brings the Total time up to about 6 Hours now!...This Home Renovation is going to kill me, just kidding...I had a few people E-mailing asking an evaluation which I could not Honestly give for the lack of playing time with the G-70...ALSO being I had the Korg Pro here also...I'm not getting into comparsion of Keyboards...EVERYONE has different taste and needs! Well now I'm not sure I can sell it just yet and If I do it's NOT because of any Issue with the G-70, ONLY if I can justify the Investment to the time I have to play it, etc...There has been endless postings about the G-70 and as in every keyboard both good and bad(Remember when the PA-80 and Pro was Introduced,OS after OS to bring the boards up to their potential)and Korg is still working on Improvements on the Pro, WHICH is GOOD...They are getting VERY Close...I don't agree with all of this, But if you look at EVERY Professional Synth Workstation,Yamaha,Roland Korg,Kurz they are built to be Improved on and Expanded with Updated OS Systems...So this IS REALLY VERY IMPORTANT! Now back to the G-70 and my Opinion only(I have Owned the 9000Pro,Tyro's,PSR-3000,Technics 2600,Korg PA-60,80,Pax1-Pro,Ketron SD-1 and Now The G-70)All fine Instruments...I think Roland has a Super Start on this Keyboard. The QUALITY Pro Construction is there(Yes it's a bit heavy, better that than chessy construction),The Layout is Excellent,The screen is Excellent,MANY Excellent Features,Important is POWER, it has Horsepower!...Editing is Super easy...Piano is top notch(the only arranger with Super Sampling as the Roland X)...I rate the Organs as my Favorite also...In fact I like most all the Sounds VERY Much and it's easy to edit them to your taste...Oh! the Action is being discussed...AWSOME, Smooth ,quality keys I mean ALL OVER, the ENDS,Sides. perfectly weighted, you can really slide your fingers around for Organ and Great touch for Piano Work...My opinion..The BEST so far in any Keyboard....Styles...The LIVE are Fantastic finding 8-10 very usable...I think Roland needs to add more Jazz and BIG Band with high standards...Like George said the Lower 3 and Top three Parts(Sounds) can be layered or played anywhere on the Keyboard...I like to use that in Whole keyboard mode just to switch sounds back and forth live, so east to Play with using improvision, etc! So I know a OS 2.0 update is coming soom October maybe with alot of Changes and additions... How about a Style converter?...Put some of your favorite,Yamaha,Ketron,Korg styles in!!!... I heard that was forcoming, Is a Style converter possible???... Well I think you most likely have figured out, I like The Keyboard more each time I use It...Maybe I should Use it More and forget about selling it???...Anyways off to Bed and If it's not raining tomorrow back to the House Project!...Have to get it done before retirement comes...Have a Great Day Everyone!!!!
#130804 - 07/16/05 07:24 AM
Re: "Just played my G-70 for a couple Hours"
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Harold, You get to retire? WOW! My wife says I have to be dead at least three days before I can retire. If rigormortis hasn't set in, and the body hasn't become somewhat pungent, I gotta' keep working. Something like the movie "Weekend at Bernies." My wife, on the other hand, gets to retire this coming year, either in January or June (her choice). When this happens I'll have to play more jobs to pay for her health insurance until Medicare kicks in. WOW! You actually get to retire. NAH! It's just another fantasy.  Cheers, Gary ------------------ Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#130808 - 07/17/05 01:46 AM
Re: "Just played my G-70 for a couple Hours"
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
I just recently had yet another opportunity to audition the G70 in a local music store and found quite a few things I really like about it. Unfortunately, there were other things I didn't like as well.
Likes: Terrific keyboard feel and key size (longer than the Yamaha's PSR/Tyros's keys). Both the keyboard's responsive key feel and its 76 keys opened the door to arranger playing inspiration & expression for me making me feel immediately 'at home' playing this keyboard. The only thing I missed as far as the keyboard itself goes was that it regretably does not fully include 'rootless' jazz chord recognition like Korg, Yamaha, Ketron, & Technics arrangers do. Interesting enough though, it does support a couple of the important rootless chord voicings, namely C9 (E1-Bb1- D2) as I recall. Another thing I really appreciate (and surprised about) the G70 is how easy the OS & button layout is to navigate. I was able to find most all the arranger functions I was looking for 'on the fly' without cracking the manual as they all seem to be located just where I thought they would (and should) be). I especially appreciate the G70's physical volume SLIDERS which allow you to quickly make 'on the fly' volume level adjustments for each/any indivual live part. This elimates having to go into a LCD screen menu as the Tyros & PSR3000 do. The other thing I like about the G70 is it's solid built construction (metal vs plastic). The downside is that the G70 is (at nearly 50 lbs) a LOT heavier (and less easily transportable) than the Tyros: 27 lbs. I suspect even a 76 note Tyros would also weigh considerable less than the G70 does.
As much as I really appreciate the likes mentioned above, the sounds & styles failed to inspire me. Like many others here, I too feel the sounds have way too much reverb effects added, causing acoustic instsruments (piano, etc) to sound unaturally artificial. I was especially disapointed in the styles, especially the swing, acoustic jazz & big band ones. They sound not much better (if at all) then the old Roland RA800 (module version of the G800) of which I owned quite a few arranger keyboard generations back. These styles don't breathe or swing (too omph pa omph pa sounding) and sounded (to me) too stiff & repetative (same fill repeating over & over too often). Perhaps if only the G70 had incorporated the Tyros' sounds & styles, the G70 would have been the perfect upgrade solution for me. In the meantime, I'll wait to see if (another?) G70 OS upgrade will address & solve my above concerns. I continue to realize that Chris Halon (formerly with Technics) now heads the Roland G70 development teams so keep my hopes up that he may help influence Roland Japan to implement those impressive arranger features (rootless chord recognition), sounds (esp quality Steinway acoustic piano sample) & styles (best arranger kb swing jazz styles made imho (& produced by Chris Halon himself) of the Technics KN7000. Keeping my fingers crossed (for Roland's sake). - Scott
#130810 - 07/17/05 11:25 AM
Re: "Just played my G-70 for a couple Hours"
Registered: 12/13/04
Posts: 66
Loc: Harrisville,Pa USA
Benno...Yes the Korg Pro is an Awsome keyboard for sure...I guess it's like in the Pro Synth boards that, Yamaha, Roland, Korg have, They all are very different, but all Excellent!...I guess have owned The Triton, New FantomX7,Motif rack(not the new ES rack...I really like Rolands,Quality build, Layouts,Sequencers,fairly easy OS systems and more...But again everyone has different likes and dislikes! I guess I like the G-70 Grand piano so well is It's used in the FantomX series,In their rack Module,RD-300sx,RD-700SX(It has one better though besides, only avaiable in the 700SX...It sounds Identical beside my Wifes New RD-300sx "X" Piano patch...You may want to lighten the reverb to a diffent setting and save it which takes 5 seconds to do!..And I like Roland Sounds over the years...The JV-1080-2080 synth modules have been used in more Pro studio's over the years than any manufacure(even being used today, out dated as they be )....What Important is having the opertunity to built the sound as you need it...That's where the Korg Pro Shines also in my opinion... Yes, the Layout on the G-70 I agree is somewhat better than the Korg Pro I agree, and the Screen is clear Quick,easy to touch, and the general layout is somewhat better for "Me"...I really like holding the Sound with the sustain and switching to another VER FAST, and SMOOTH..For the life of me I don't know why The Yamaha Tyro's, 3000 you CANNOT hold the Strings with the Sustain to your needs!...???...Enjoy your Korg Pro...a Top notch Pro Board backed by a Very good Team in Italy striving to keep Improving their Product....
#130811 - 07/17/05 01:10 PM
Re: "Just played my G-70 for a couple Hours"
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Hi Henry  , great to see you back (from Toronto) now residing here again in the San Francisco Bay Area. Originally posted by Henry01: Which store did you audition the G70? Colton Piano in Walnut Creek. Originally posted by Henry01: which OS version was on the G70? Good question. I forgot to check the OS version, but it's the OS version installed in the keyboard (when shipped from Roland). I did inform the store salesman (Jeff) about the latest downloadable OS available online & urged him to check & install the latest version to possibly gain from its (sound improvement?) benefits. Here's another observation I made about the G70. Though I appreciated the color LCD screen, it's size appears smaller (and substantially less sharp & clear to my eyes) than the Tyros' display. The G70's fixed position display screen (lack of tilt adjustment) & finger touch touch screen requirement only to make important on the fly selections are other 'serious' drawbacks, especially if you occasionally need to perform outdoors as I do. Dispite this, the keyboard's feel & navigation & sounds, esp acoustic piano (once the efx are heavily reduced) keep my eyes & ears open to another audtion following hopeful OS improvements. Henry, let me know what you think of the G70 after auditioning it. Perhaps we could work a deal if we buy 2 G70' together from the piano store. Btw, I trust you're still playing & enjoying your Ketron KB? Scott